September 2023
Augusti 2023
25 Augusti 2023 - 00:18
Free download storm spirit dota 2
New support for remnant based effects.
Bloodrage target sound now retriggers even if target is still silenced.
Visage ult sound no longer stacks with number of familiars.
Fixed FoW issues with some Invoker, Crystal Maiden, and Nature's Prophet abilities.
Added a sound on Diffusal Blade target units.
Added a damage sound to Blademail reflect (only audible to attacking player).
Game Voices and Sound Effects now have separate volume sliders.
Added new survey questions about self and team cooperation.
Added messaging popups and more indications of low-priority status in interface.
Changed low-priority penalty metric from time-based to games played.
Added last hit training missions Community.
Bots now substitute for players that leave in Limited Hero mode.
You no longer need to equip pennants to have their view counts updated and count towards teams you watch live.
New convar dota_ability_legacy_mode_quick_cast causes all ability casts in Legacy keybinding mode to be Quick Casts.
Fixed incorrect turn arrows when spectating Captains Mode drafts.
Added Acknowledgements tab to the Library.
Added a "Pending Invitations" tooltip when in a party that lists outstanding party invitations.
Showcase View can be activated using the icon on the left side of your hero portrait.
Broadcasters can now specify a country and description per channel when setting up a lobby for specators.
Games that are part of a best-of series are now grouped and spoiler-protected in the recent games panel.
You can now invite to trade from within Dota 2, including people you aren't friends with (privacy settings available).
Lanepicker added to hero selection screen.
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